E-Commerce Virtual Assistant: What You Need To Know

If you’re running an online store, you know that keeping up with all the day-to-day tasks can be a daunting challenge. From processing orders to managing inventory and even dealing with customer inquiries, there’s a lot to keep track of. That’s where an E-Commerce virtual assistant can help. In this post, we’ll take a look at what virtual assistants do and how hiring virtual assistants can help your business run more smoothly. We’ll also discuss some of the important factors you need to consider when hiring a virtual assistant. So if you’re looking for some extra help to manage your online store, read on!

What Is An E-Commerce Virtual Assistant?

An E-Commerce virtual assistant is a professional who provides administrative tasks and customer support services to online businesses. They work remotely, which means they can be located anywhere in the world. E-Commerce virtual assistants are often used by businesses that sell products or services online.

What Is The Need For Virtual Assistants?

As the world increasingly moves online, businesses are finding that they need to be present in the virtual world in order to remain competitive. Virtual assistants can help businesses to establish and maintain an online presence by performing a variety of tasks on their E-Commerce platform, such as creating and managing social media accounts, developing and managing website content, fielding customer inquiries, and more. In many cases, virtual assistants can provide valuable support at a fraction of the cost of hiring a full-time employee. Many businesses fail to flourish due to various reasons. 

The most common ones are

  • Lack of competency
  • Inflexibility
  • Rapid or prolonged expansion
  • Inexperience
  • Poor management

Task That Virtual Assistants Performs

A virtual E-commerce assistant can be a great asset to the business and can help in performing day-to-day E-Commerce tasks. Here are some of the task E-Commerce virtual assistants perform

Order Processing

An E-commerce virtual assistant can play a vital role in keeping an online business running smoothly. Order processing is one of the most important tasks that an e-commerce virtual assistant can handle. This includes tasks such as taking orders, tracking inventory, processing payments, and shipping orders. By taking care of these tasks, an e-commerce virtual assistant can free up the business owner’s time so they can focus on other aspects of running their business.

Manage Inventory And Stocks

Inventory management is critical to run an E-commerce business smoothly in the digital world. You need to maintain a balance between both to ensure customer satisfaction. 

A virtual assistant can help you manage your inventory and stock. By integrating with your shopping cart, they can keep track of your productivity levels and send you notifications when stocks are low. They can also automatically reorder products when they reach a certain threshold. In addition, task virtual assistants can help you track your inventory across multiple locations. If you have a brick-and-mortar store as well as an online store, they can make sure that your inventory levels are synchronized across both platforms. This way, you can be sure that you never run out of stock, no matter which channels your customers are using.

Manage Exchanges And Returns

Another important task of an eCommerce virtual assistant is to manage exchanges and returns. This includes tasks such as processing return requests, issuing refunds, and exchanging products. By taking care of these tasks, an eCommerce virtual assistant can save the business owner a significant amount of time and hassle.

In some cases, customers might not be happy with the product, or it might have been damaged during the delivery process. This means you need to provide them with a seamless exchange or returns of the products.

Customer Services

Customer service is one of the most important aspects of any business. In the case of an eCommerce business, it is even more important as the customers are not able to see or touch the product before they make a purchase. This means that they are relying on you to provide them with accurate information about the product and answer any questions they might have.

A virtual assistant can help you with customer service in several ways. They can answer customer inquiries through live chat, email, or even over the phone. In addition, they can help you to resolve any customer complaints. By taking care of your customer service, an eCommerce virtual assistant can save you a significant amount of time and hassle.

To deliver the best services, your virtual assistant will be available 24/7 for the customers. Some virtual assistant support services can help to handle challenges.

Maintain E-commerce Store

Your E-Commerce website is the face of your business. This is where your customers will go to find information about your products, make a purchase, and track their orders. It is important to keep your eCommerce store up-to-date with the latest information about your products and services.

A virtual assistant can help you to maintain your eCommerce store. They can add new products, update product descriptions, and even take care of the shipping and fulfillment process.

Building e-commerce is just the start of the journey in digital businesses. It is essential to meet customers’ expectations at each phase for business owners. 

Perform Market Research

An eCommerce business needs to constantly be aware of the latest trends in the market. This way, you can ensure that you are offering the right products and services to your customers.

A virtual assistant can help you to perform market research. They can provide you with data about the latest trends, customer preferences, and competition. With this information, you can make informed decisions about your business.

Advantages Of E-commerce Virtual Assistant

E-commerce virtual assistants are the backbone of any online business. Below are the following advantages of e-commerce virtual assistant


One of the main advantages of an eCommerce virtual assistant is that they are cost-effective. This is because you only need to pay for the services you require. In addition, you will not need to provide any benefits or perks, such as health insurance or paid vacation days.

You can hire them for a specific project or task and then let them go when the project is completed. This can save you a lot of money, as you will not need to pay for any unused hours.

An eCommerce virtual assistant is also scalable. This means that you can increase or decrease the number of hours you need them for, depending on the needs of your business.

Save Time

Another advantage of an eCommerce virtual assistant is that it can save you a significant amount of time. This is because they can take care of all the tasks and responsibilities that are needed to run your business. This includes tasks such as customer service, product research, and market analysis.

Virtual assistants will save up to 40% of your time, which can be invested in planning the growth of your business.

Data Management

An eCommerce virtual assistant can also help you to manage your data. This includes tasks such as order processing, invoicing, and tracking inventory levels. With an eCommerce virtual assistant, you can be sure that your data is accurate and up-to-date. Businesses that support virtual assistants are taking the benefits of working smoothly.

Fewer Risks

When you outsource your eCommerce business to a virtual assistant, you are also outsourcing the risks. This is because you will not need to worry about any of the tasks that they are taking care of. In addition, if there are any problems with their work, you can simply cancel the contract and find another virtual assistant.

Increase Productivity

E-commerce virtual assistants can help to increase productivity by handling tasks that would otherwise require the attention of the business owner or manager.

Where To Find An E-Commerce Virtual Assistant?

After knowing the benefits of having an E-commerce virtual assistant, you better prepare to hire one. But, what are the options?

Searching Freelance Marketplaces

Searching Freelance Marketplaces for virtual assistants is the most common way since it’s fast and easy. You can find many options with a few clicks.

But, the big problem is that you don’t know whether they are good or not. The best way to solve this is by reading the reviews and ratings left by their past clients.

Connecting With An Agency

The best way to find a reliable eCommerce virtual assistant is by connecting with an agency. This is because they have a team of professionals that are experienced and knowledgeable in this field.

In addition, they will also be able to provide you with a wide range of services, such as customer service, data entry, and product research.


Now that you know what an eCommerce Virtual Assistant is and the various advantages they offer, it’s important to understand where to find one. The best place to start your search is Extend Your Team. We have a wide selection of qualified professionals who are experienced in all facets of eCommerce. Our team can help you find the perfect assistant to take your business to the next level.